Sunday, April 29, 2007

More restoration process

Viewing from the north, most all shingles are primed. The 1920's tiles have been removed from the roofs. Btw, these tiles are being purchased and will be reused by someone, somewhere. Which is nice to know... Old things, no longer needed here, are being recycled. Not just thrown in the dumpster! The bare roof has been covered. Later, will come more tiles.

I so hope these windows will be restored. I'm *afraid* to ask. -sigh- Because I know that a front window, will become two. Sooooooo.... Plus, I'm sure those tiny old panes must be an awful chore to be kept sparkling clean.

But, even if they won't stay here, I'm sure they too will be sold and recycled, to somewhere else, where old things can still be used.

This is a shot of the back... {left side of back} Much to be done here of course. After the process which is now going on.
.This is the right side of the back view. There used to be 2 small windows, in the upper peak. They are to be put there, again. {Unless that plan has changed since I talked to the caretaker...}
View from the south. The plan here was for 2 windows upstairs , somehow. There is much need for more light upstairs. These would help this. Originally, the upper level was where grain for the horses, was stored. You can still see the trap door, through which the grain was dropped down to the horses, stabled below.

No need for lots of light then. But in its use as a living place, there is more need for light up there.